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WPCA - Regular Meeting Minutes 12-2-03

MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 1
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                 DECEMBER 2, 2003                        

Members present:     Joseph Carino, Chairman, Richard Aries, Carol Fletterick,
                                   Robert Dickinson
Members absent:         Michael Gauthier (Alternate), Timothy Moriarty, Ed Havens, Jr.
Staff present:             Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control


Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:35

Chairman Carino asked that a motion be made to move to Item G1 Unfinished Business in order to allow Mr. Semprebon to present the information requested at the previous meeting.

Motion was made to move to Item G1-Unfinished Business.
        Motion was made by Ms. Fletterick
        Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
        The motion carried unanimously

UNFINISHED BUSINESS – 601B Sullivan Avenue

Galen Semprebon from Design Professionals, was present representing the owner of the property a 601B Sullivan Avenue.  Mr. Semprebon gave a brief explanation of the problem with this existing property for the members who were not present at last months meeting.  There were a number of issues raised at the last meeting, in particular when the building was connected to the sewer line.  This connection was made without the proper permits being pulled and there were questions as to the adequacy of the existing lateral, and the location of the lateral.  A conditional approval was granted at the last meeting with the requirement the engineer must return within 35 days and report to the Authority the results of the conditions set forth by the WPCA.

A contractor did excavate and the location of the lateral has been identified.  Based upon conversations with the drain layer it is now known where the lateral and location for the house and garage are.  The sewer line is a 6” pipe and the line has a slope greater than the required 2% for the house and continuing around the back of the house to the outbuilding.  A permit was issued in 2001 for the construction of a bathroom in the outbuilding.  At that time a lateral from the garage to the house was installed.  A permit was not taken out at the time this sewer connection was installed.  Mr. Shaw requested the installation of a monitoring manhole at the previous meeting.  The manhole will be installed at the junction of the two laterals to allow separate monitoring of the effluent from the bake shop and also from the house.  There will also be a 10-foot sanitary easement granted in favor of the Town to allow access to the manhole for monitoring purposes.  

Mr. Shaw stated the one additional requirement was the installation of a separate water meter for the business.  The Connecticut Water Co. would provide a separate water meter and the Town will receive an annual report showing water usage.

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REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                 DECEMBER 2, 2003                        


Chairman Carino recommended a time period for the easement to be completed and accepted and also for the installation of the manhole.  Chairman Carino also asked to have a follow up done in a few months to assure the WPCA that all conditions have been met.  

There still remains the issue of unpaid charges.  There are no flow records for the property and Mr. Shaw stated in any event the flow would be minimal.  The property will be assessed the minimum sewer user charge for the 2 years the sewer connection has been in place.  The charge for last year (2002) will be the minimum user charge of $210 and for the previous year a pro-rated fee from September 2001, which was the time the connection was made, in the amount of  $107 will be charged.  There would also be a commercial connection charge in the amount of $2800. This represents the commercial connection charge on the schedule approved by the WPCA for 2001.
Motion was made to approve the connection of 601B Sullivan Avenue of a commercial building, previously connected to the Town’s sewerage system, in accordance with Drawing No. 3, entitled “Aunti Dawn’s Bake Shoppe, LLC”, prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT, Job No. 1858, dated 10-16-03 with revisions dated 12-1-03 and 12-2-03  and subject to the following conditions:  
Easement in favor of the Town of South Windsor be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney;
A manhole be installed for monitoring purposes;
Payment of connection charges in the amount of $2,800 and sewer user charges in the amount of  $317 be paid by property owner;
A water meter be installed to measure flow and an annual report be sent to the Town.
Motion was made by Mr. Aries
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

For follow-up Chairman Carino asked that the above item be placed on the agenda under Communications for the April 2004 meeting, to ensure  satisfactory completion of the above conditions.

Motion was made to return to Item B – Acceptance of Minutes.
        Motion was made by Ms. Fletterick
        Seconded by Mr. Dickinson
        The motion carried unanimously
                               WATER POLLUTION CONTROL AUTHORITY

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REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                 DECEMBER 2, 2003                        


Approval of the Minutes of September 2, 2003

Motion was made to approve the minutes of September 2, 2003 as presented.
        Motion was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick      
        The motion carried unanimously

Mr. Shaw explained the minutes of September 2, 2003 should have been approved at the time they were presented to the Authority.  The minutes did not reflect a change in wording or any corrections at that time.  At  the time the minutes were presented for approval a request was made for additional information..  A request for additional information should not postpone the approval of minutes.

Approval of Minutes of November 5, 2003

Chairman Carino had a correction for the minutes of November 5, 2003, as follows:
On page 4, second line should read, “which would be installed.” Also, in the motion to approve at the top of Page 4, the word  “approval” was omitted from the last sentence.  It should read “technical approval from the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.”
Motion was made to approve the minutes of November 5, 2003 , as amended.
        Motion was made by Ms. Fletterick
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously


Election of Officers

It was decided by the members present to postpone the election of officers until everyone was present.
Motion was made to postpone the Election of Officers until all Authority members were present.
        Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

1024 Main Street – List No. 35742 – Change record from 2 family to single family residence.

Mr. Shaw explained the change in the property located at 1024 Main Street from a two family residence to a single family has been verified with the Planning Department and

                               WATER POLLUTION CONTROL AUTHORITY

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REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                 DECEMBER 2, 2003                        


also the Assessor’s Office.  The user charge list needs to be corrected to reflect this change retro-active to October 2003.  
Motion was made to correct the user charge billing for property located at 1024 Main St. to reflect a change from a 2 family resident to a single family residence retro-active to the billing of October 1, 2003.
        Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

Leadership Roundtable

The Leadership Roundtable is a meeting of the Boards and Commissions of the Town to discuss different issues relating to the Town and the improvement of communication between the various boards.  Mr. Shaw wanted to let all the members know they are welcome to attend this meeting.  He felt it helps to give insight into the other Boards and Commissions and helps all of them work together more effectively.


Chairman Carino has been reviewing the WPCA Rules and Regulations and has asked the Authority members to do the same in order to have the Rules and Regulations updated.  There were several areas including Section 2, 2.7 which state the duties of the Secretary of the WPCA, one of which is recording the minutes and transcribing them and also overseeing the funds.  The Authority has a Recording Secretary who has responsibility of transcribing the minutes of each meeting and overseeing the funds.  Chairman Carino suggested the responsibilities of the Recording Secretary be added and the necessary changes be made to reflect the current responsibilities of the WPCA Secretary.

Also, the order in which the agenda is presented is not reflected correctly in the Rules and Regulations.  This should be changed to reflect the order which is being used at this time.  It was previously decided to move the New Business portion of the agenda from the last item on the agenda to the third item, but this change was never reflected in the Rules and Regulations.  This allows for presentations by the applicants to be done at the beginning of the meeting instead of making them wait until the end of the meeting.

Chairman Carino asked the members to review the rules and be prepared to have a discussion on them in March and April. Changes to the Rules and Regulations will be presented at the Public Hearing in June.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items no on the agenda) – None


                               WATER POLLUTION CONTROL AUTHORITY

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REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                 DECEMBER 2, 2003                        



Motion to adjourn was made at 8:26 by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Dumas,
Recording Secretary

Date Approved:________________________